Diversity and inclusion

Our company promotes diversity and inclusion

Dryce supports diversity in all its forms

Committed to ensuring a workplace where every person is treated with respect and dignity.

Gender diversity

The recruitment, training, enhancement and development of talents in a non-judgmental environment has improved women's participation in all geographical areas and at all professional levels.


To promote gender diversity, we ensure that everyone is given equal visibility.

There are no male roles in Dryce.


of our female employees occupy specialised or managerial positions.
of our current employees (in all categories) are women.
Diversity and inclusion are something we uniquely cherish.
- We are an organisation that promotes diversity and inclusion and attracts talented people from all over the world. At Dryce, we promote the hiring of interns and trainees, as we consider this a powerful means of attracting young and diversified talents. 

We are a great company, because we have a great team.